Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week 2 in Kenya: The BOOB Incident!

I don't know if its just that I have been enjoying my time or if being on the opposite side of the Equator has anything to do with it, but so far my time in Kenya has been flying by.  My roommate Michelle and I have already been in the Kenyan Medical Student hostel for 3 weeks.  We still haven't been able to figure out why there are no toilet seats in any of the bathrooms but we now realized what a luxury having a toilet is in itself.  On a trip to Kisumu last Friday I learned that lesson well, when I realize how much more clean it was to use the outdoor bathroom (essentially this means the woods) than to use the squatting toilets that are about 10 inches wide all around, oval shaped and easy to miss the hole with un-toned thighs and without the proper squatting technique.  More to follow in another blog  

Today, I wanted to take a moment to follow up on Part 2 of my first two weeks in Kenya.  Last week I told you about my smelly arrival and about our visit to the local market and my outfit that brought way too much attention.  Well, I have been spending a lot of time with my roommate Michelle, who I have known for a few years but have gotten to know her even better since our month together in Kenya.  There is just never a dull moment with her.  I had no idea that she was so funny and full of surprises.  Upon returning from the local market one Sunday afternoon, we stopped at the gate at the compound where we live to take pictures with the guard.  Now this guard is quite beloved.  He is an older gentleman, most certainly late sixties or older, who is always smiling, cheerful and confidently calls you by many incorrect versions of your name.  I am quite certain he is more of a greeter than actually providing any form of security, unless he plans on using his big smile to ward of any terror I would have to say he's pretty harmless.  At least that's what I thought until this happened.  As we stood inside the boundaries of the housing compound gates ready to take our photos with the beloved guard, I threw my arm around his shoulder since I was several inches taller than him, Michelle snapped my picture and handed me her I-phone to take her photo.  As he stood to the left of her smiling big and bright, being the keen guard that he is, he realized the gate was open, so he reached his right hand to close the gate while he maintained his left hand on her shoulder.  As I lifted my gaze from the phone to take the photo, I looked up to find the guards hand on Michelle's left breast with his face turned away from us, and Michelle standing there with her eyes and mouth wide open.  Our elderly but charming guard moved his hand from the now closed gate to put around Michelle's shoulder and grinned from ear to ear, completely oblivious that he had just gotten to second base with my friend.  I snapped the photo and quickly walked away as I immediately burst into uncontrollable laughter, with Michelle walking briskly behind me, giggling hysterically from embarrassment with flushed cheeks, surprised by the fact that she was just fondled by the sweetest, most harmless security guard.

This had to have been one of the funniest things I have ever seen, and still makes me laugh every time I replay it in my head.  When the guard saw us the following day, he had a puzzled look on his face as he innocently asked "Susana, Emily (name misnomers as usual) why you laugh yesterday when we take photo?"  "Oh Michelle just had a funny look on her face that's all" I quickly responded, hoping to put all his concern to rest.  I couldn't bring myself to tell him he had rested his hand on Michelle's breast and not her shoulder the day before when he so happily engaged us to take photos with him.  Everyday I greet him at the main gate, I can't help but chuckle at the elderly guard fondling Michelle's boob.

So when we have bad days we think back on boob incident and laugh uncontrollably.

Soon to follow on Friday.  My trip to Kisumu to visit a child I have helped to sponsor.

Kwaheri till next time.


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